

Connect your applications to Corymbus

CRM Corymbus

Corymbus connects to many third-party applications to simplify your daily life


Connect Corymbus to Gmail to synchronize your contacts or send email campaigns.

Import/Export Excel

Import contacts, companies and other data from an Excel file.

Export your Corymbus data to Excel at any time, for backup or specific reporting purposes, for example.


Connect Corymbus to the Google or Microsoft 365 calendar to find your activities in the calendar and receive timely reminders.

Contacts Google

Synchronize your contacts between Google and CRM.

Contacts LinkedIn

Transfer your LinkedIn contacts to CRM, and keep them up to date with our Justfind partner’s connector.

Formulaires Web, extension WordPress

Enrich your contact database and automate communication with your customers thanks to Corymbus web forms.

Connecteurs Zapier, Integromat, API REST

Connect Corymbus to your applications using Zapier and Integromat integrations or the REST API.


Make it easy for your customers to pay by connecting Corymbus to your Stripe account. Quotes and invoices can then display a payment link. You can also sell online using Web forms.